The summer in UAE is harsh and rigid, with the temperature hovering over 50 degrees. This high temperature makes it difficult for the plants to survive. They require special care and maintenance to withstand the summer heat.

Whether it is indoor or outdoor plants, care should be taken to ensure that they are well-hydrated and placed away from the blazing sun.

Where to position plants during summer?

Some varieties of plants like cactus can withstand the UAE summer as they can easily adapt to the weather. If you have green tropical plants, then it is best to move them to the shade, as such plants cannot withstand the summer heat.

Outdoor plants should be watered at regular intervals so that the soil does not become dry. They should also be misted periodically to retain its greenery. Plants may not be able to withstand sudden changes like fertilizing and re-potting during the harsh weather. Thus, it is best to refrain from doing this until the summer is over.

How to Take Care of Indoor Plants?

Just like outdoor plants, indoor plants also require special indoor plant care during summer. Here are a few easy-care indoor plants and plant care tips to follow to ensure that your plants stay healthy and fresh.

General Tips for Taking Care of Plants During Summer

Even if you have easy care plants at home, you should follow the below general care of plants to ensure that it stays fresh and healthy.

  • Since during summer months, the use of air conditioner will be very high, the indoor humidity will be less. Thus, it would be a good idea to mist the plants at regular intervals. Alternatively, you can also place a tray with water beneath the plants so that it absorbs the moisture.
  • While watering plants in the UAE, make sure that you water deeply. Because of the dry surrounding, water will evaporate very fast. To prevent this, you should ensure that the plants are watered well.
  • If you have west or south facing plants, then it is better to move them further indoor so that it does not get direct sunlight.
  • Never repot plant during peak summer. Even under normal weather condition, there are chances for the plant to die during repotting. During peak summer the excess temperature will put undue stress of the plant which might make it difficult to survive. You can wait till the temperature drops a few degree before repotting.
  • Just like repotting, pruning should also be done only when the weather cools down. Pruning can put stress on the plant and the harsh weather can add to the stress.

During summer, you should keep a watch on the plant and take remedial action at the correct time. This would ensure that the plant survives the harsh summer heat without much damage.